Severe thunderstorms across the Mid-South and Deep South
Overlapping 1-minute Mesoscale Domain Sectors from GOES-16 (GOES-East) provided imagery at 30-second intervals during an outbreak of severe thunderstorms (SPC Storm Reports) across parts of the Mid-South and Deep South on 09 December 2023. “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) and “Clean” Infrared Window (10.3 µm) images (above) included time-matched plots of SPC Storm Reports for a tornado-producing thunderstorm that was responsible for 3 deaths and 62 injuries in the Clarksville, Tennessee (KCKV) area (Preliminary rating: EF3). The coldest cloud-top 10.3 µm infrared brightness temperatures were in the -60 to -65ºC range (darker red enhancement).
30-second GOES-16 Infrared images (below) showed a later tornado-producing thunderstorm that was responsible for an additional 3 fatalities in Madison, Tennessee (just north of Nashville KBNA).
Many of these severe thunderstorms were developing within a corridor of moisture and instability ahead of an advancing cold front, as seen in 5-minute GOES-16 Visible images combined with Total Precipitable Water and Lifted Index / CAPE Derived Stability Indices (in cloud-free skies) (below).
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