Satellite Images of the Sun (on April 8th)
There are several satellites that routinely image the Sun, to support Space Weather. Due to the recent total solar eclipse, there has been much interest in the Sun.
The GOES-R series also has a number of space weather instruments, including the SUVI (Solar UV Imager).
The above images are via the UW/SSEC ingest of NOAA’s GOES-16 SUVI data via the GOES Re-Broadcast (GRB).
Images from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
A similar loop, including RGB composites. “Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.” More SDO images.
The Large Angle and Spectrometric COronagraph (LASCO) is on instrument on the joint NASA/ESA SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) spacecraft.

“Courtesy of SOHO/LASCO consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.” This image was obtained here.
GOES-U will fly a compact coronagraph.
Thanks to many for this post, including Rick Kohrs (UW/SSEC) and Dr. Ryan French.
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