SAR Winds over the Pacific Ocean

RCM2 SAR Winds over the Pacific Ocean near 51 N, 138 W at 1528 UTC on 25 August 2021 (Click to enlarge)

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) winds over the northwest Pacific, above, derived from Radar Constellation Mission (RCM) Satellite #2, shows a narrow ribbon of strong winds (>30 knots) stretching from 50 N, 138 W towards 53 N, 140 W. What kind of cloud imagery is associated with this wind feature?

Near-sunrise visible imagery from GOES-17, below, shows a narrow band of low-level clouds aligned with the region of stronger winds. This does not appear to be a deep feature: cloud shadows are much larger along the eastern edge of the visible image, which region is east of the SAR domain shown above.

GOES-17 Band 2 (0.64 µm) Visible Imagery at 1520 UTC on 25 August 2021, with and without Lat/Lon lines (Click to enlarge)

A zoomed-out 10.3 µm infrared image, below, documents how subtle the cloud feature associated with the strong winds is. Blue arrows point to the region of strong winds.

GOES-17 Band 13 Clean Window infrared (10.3 µm) imagery, 1520 UTC on 25 August 2021 (Click to enlarge)

SAR Winds are available from a variety of different satellites at this link.

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