NUCAPS EDR files in the cloud

NUCAPS EDRs (Environmental Data Records) are now populating space in the cloud, such as at this Amazon webservices link where you will see a ‘NUCAPS-EDR’ link, and dropping down through year/month/day selections, a user will eventually see a filename such as this:
; ‘j01’ identifies the satellite as NOAA-20; data in this file starts 15:14:58.9 on 14 May 2024, ends at 15:15:28.7 on 14 May 2024, and was created on 16:06:24.0 on 14 May 2024. The file listing shown below as a screen-capture shows data from 1725 to 1732 UTC on 14 May 2024.

These data can be displayed most easily by knowing when NOAA-20 overflew a region, and this website helps with that. The GOES-East projection showing NOAA-20 orbits on 14 May is shown below. Focus on the ascending pass off the East Coast of the United States, from 17:25 to 17:32 or so.

After downloading the Sounder QuickLooks software (from CSPP), 7 commands created the mapping of temperature shown up top. First, the .qz file that includes the software packages was expanded and I changed locations to the created directory, making that the home directory with the export command. A shell script within the directory is then sourced to set up environments. Then I changed to the bin directory. The script ‘getall’ retrieves the netcdf files from the cloud — it’s a series of unix wget commands, i.e., “wget".
The variable ‘files’ matches all of the netcdf files that were downloaded. Finally, the 700-mb temperature field is created, as shown above.
tar -xvf cspp-sounder-ql-1.3.tar.gz
cd cspp-sounder-ql-1.3
cd bin
./ $files NUCAPS --dset temp --pressure 700
Past blog post entries on Sounder QuickLooks software are here and here.
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