Mal forms in the South Pacific
Tropical Cyclone Mal has formed in the South Pacific Ocean. As of 2023-11-13 at 1950Z, Mal’s center is located approximately at 14°S, 173°E, and about 550 km northwest of Fiji. The system is predicted to continue moving southeast.
Users can view Mal using RealEarth such as in the example above, which shows true color imagery and Band 9 mid-level water vapor imagery from Japan’s Himawari Imager. Mal’s strong rotation is also seen in the MIMIC TPW imagery, shown below.
The cyclone will affect the nation of Fiji, with flash flood alerts already being issued in areas of the country. Winds from Mal will also pose a threat to the Fiji’s population, especially on the main island Viti Levu. Mal is already producing sustained winds of 55 knots with gusts as strong as 70 knots. The current maximum significant wave height associated with Mal is 28 feet.
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