Great Lakes on Earth Day 2024

NOAA-20 overflew the Great Lakes early on 22 April 2024 (Earth Day) and the lack of cloud cover (except over northeastern Lake Superior) allowed a determination of Lake Surface Temperatures over most of the Great Lakes. As is usually the case, Lake Erie is the warmest lake, with temperatures near 50oF over the western part of the lake (values are closer to 41-42oF just north of Erie PA). How might Erie’s temperatures change in the near future? That’s estimated at this link from GLERL. Temperatures over Erie are warmer than normal — but not so warm as during April of 2012 — as shown here; values for other Great Lakes are here. Temperatures are also near 50oF are in Saginaw Bay, and along the south shore of Lake Michigan. Most of northern Lake Michigan, and all of Lake Huron, have temperatures near 40oF, and Lake Superior shows temperatures in the mid-30s.
AWIPS-ready JPSS Tiles are created from data downloaded at the Direct Broadcast antenna at CIMSS (processed by CSPP software) and are available from an LDM feed at CIMSS. Data are also available as imagery at this ftp site, and here.
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