Day Night Band imagery of the Park Fire in California


The Park Fire developed to the northeast of Chico California on 24 July. Day Night Band visible imagery, below (from here), shows the fire over the course of the next four days. It grew very quickly on the 25th and 26th. It appears that by the overnight hours on the 28th that the fire was not burning quite so intensely.

NOAA-20 Day Night Band Visible (0.7) imagery, 24-28 July 2024 (Click to enlarge)

Geosphere True Color imagery (direct link to animation, starting with just a bit of pre-sunrise Night Microphysics to highlight regions where active burning continues) show an extensive smoke pall associated with the fire. The True Color imagery also hints at the large burn scar from the fire.

Geosphere true color imagery, 1300-2020 UTC on 28 July 2024

This website shows model forecasts of smoke. The predictions valid at 1000 UTC on 28 July 2024, below, show near-surface smoke and total column integrated smoke. The smoke plume from the Park Fire is moving northeastward into central Canada. Most of the smoke beyond California and Nevada has been lofted away from the surface.

7-h forecast valid 10 UTC on 28 July 2024 showing Near-Surface Smoke and Column-Integrated Smoke (Click to enlarge)

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