GOES Launch Pad Listing over the Decades

Map of launch complexes on Merritt Island and Cape Canaveral

The above wiki image is credited to : “Mark Wade 2003 (text) NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team 2006-09-01 (photo) Borrow-188 and Soumya-8974 (compilation) – This file was derived from: CCAFS.jpg.

All the GOES launches have been from Cape Canaveral (FL), but the launch pads used have varied over the decades. Included in the table below are select other historical rocket launches.

Rocket Launch Date Pad Comments/Earth-viewing Instruments
Explorer I 31 January 1958 26 First American Satellite
Explorer 7X 16 July 1959 5 Launch failure – Carried Heat Budget sensor
Explorer 7 13 October 1959 5 First monitoring Earth (Heat Budget)
ATS-1 7 December 1966 12 Spin-Scan Cloud Camera
ATS-3 5 November 1967 12 Multi-color Spin-Scan Cloud Camera
SMS-A (SMS-1) 17 May 1974 17 VISSR
SMS-B (SMS-2) 6 February 1975 17
GOES-A (GOES-1) 16 October 1975 17A Also known as SMS-C
GOES-B (GOES-2) 16 June 1977 17B
GOES-C (GOES-3) 16 June 1978 17B
GOES-D (GOES-4) 9 September 1980 17A VAS
GOES-E (GOES-5) 22 May 1981 17A
GOES-F (GOES-6) 28 April 1983 17A
GOES-G (-) 3 May 1986 Launch failure
GOES-H (GOES-7) 26 February 1987 17A
GOES-I (GOES-8) 13 April 1994 36B Imager and Sounder
GOES-J (GOES-9) 23 May 1995 36B
GOES-K (GOES-10) 25 April 1997 36B
GOES-L (GOES-11) 3 May 2000 36A
GOES-M (GOES-12) 23 July 2001 36A
GOES-N (GOES-13) 24 May 2006 37B
GOES-O (GOES-14) 27 June 2009 37B
GOES-P (GOES-15) 4 March 2010 37B
GOES-Q (-) Spacecraft option not exercised
GOES-R (GOES-16) 19 November 2016 41 ABI, GLM, SUVI, etc.
GOES-S (GOES-17) 1 March 2018 41
GOES-T (GOES-18) 1 March 2022 41
GOES-U (GOES-19) 25 June 2024 39A
Table of GOES launches.

The instrument spectral response functions (SRF) for many of the list GEOs are posted on this UW/CIMSS calibration site.

US Geo Launches over the Decades, including the experimental NASA ATS and SMS series. Credit: GEO Program.


Thanks to all who make the satellite imagery possible, NOAA, NASA, vendors, contractors and Cooperative Institute folks. T. Schmit works for NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and is stationed in Madison, WI.

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